
Digital Online

Mi. 27.04.2022, 19:00 bis 20:30


My Europe - Norway

Digital Online


'My Europe' is an interactive digital series of events that invites its guests to discover Europe.

On 27 April Knut André Sande will take you on a trip to Norway. Knut is a truly European Norwegian. He is 25 years old and currently living as a law student in Oslo. At the moment he is board member of JEF Europe.

Norway is not a member of the European Union. Nevertheless, the country is very closely linked to the EU not only because of its geographical location, but also through its membership in of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), and its participation in the Schengen area. Knut's main focus will be the relationship between EU and Norway. Besides that, Knut will give us some insights about the “Norwegian Way of Life” and the country’s peculiarities.

VeranstalterEUROPE DIRECT Aachen
Anmeldung bis27.04.2022
Zielgruppejunge Leute
AnsprechpartnerAnna-Louisa Lobergh
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